The more you know…
Do you wish you knew more about other religions?
Do you long for specific instructions on how to engage people who do not follow Christ?
Video Library
Courtesy of Ministry Outreach Foundation, these videos produced by the North American Mission Board are now yours to freely access anytime, anywhere!
Understanding Islam:
The Cross or the Cresecent
Understanding Jehovah's Witnesses:
In the Name of Jehovah
Understanding Mormons:
The Mormon Puzzle
Entendiendo a los Mormones:
El Rompecabezas de los Mormones
Articles and Charts
These concise resources will quickly help you get a better understanding of what other religions believe and how their beliefs compare to Christianity.
Islam: An Overview
by Dr. Phil Roberts
Analysis of Eastern Orthodoxy and Biblical Responses
by Bill Gordon and Paul Negrut
Analysis of Judaism and Biblical Responses
Jim R. Sibley
Study Guides
These in-depth study guides offer further study on what each religion believes and how to thoughtfully engage adherents with biblical truth.
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